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Author Archives: Megan Bame

We’ve moved!

Spring greetings to our loyal readers of The Produce Lady blog! While we’ve noticed that older blog posts continue to be viewed, you may have noticed a lack of new blog posts on this site. Actually, we’ve been busy posting, but we’ve relocated the blog (including older posts) to our newly revised website, It’s the […]

Protein…from Plants!

When we think of consuming protein, we typically think of meat, but protein is also found in plants, including legumes, nuts, seeds, grains and even fruits and vegetables. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the recommended daily allowance of protein is 10 to 35 percent of your calorie intake, dependent on age. […]

Gifting a Carolina Christmas

Black Friday has come and gone. Personally, I’m not one to lose sleep (and possibly sanity) over saving a few bucks. Last year, I enjoyed shopping from the comfort of home. That’s right, I turned to the Internet. I bought a popcorn popper for my husband from a national chain on Black Friday, but then […]

A is for Apple: Encouraging Acceptance of Fruits and Vegetables with the Help of Applesauce

For new parents, the introduction of solid food is a major milestone. Applesauce can become a special favorite and is a good “reset food” to help introduce infants to other produce. A half-cup serving of unsweetened applesauce offers 20 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin C and five percent of the daily recommended value of fiber. Homemade applesauce is a cinch with a crock pot.

Go Crazy Over Crocking

While roasts and chili may be the traditional crock pot fare, the slow cooking method is suitable for fruits and veggies as well. And I’m not just talking about the potatoes and carrots you throw in with the roast. Apples are a crock pot favorite, from baked apples to apple sauce to apple butter.